Kurzclips - englisch
Zum YouTube-Kanal von TIDEWhat is a parasocial relationship?
Franko Böhlcke from the ComputerSpielSchule Greifswald explains how influencers build a relationship with their followers. (0:59s excerpt from the video “Phänomen Influencer”, 04.11.2023)Even indirect bullying can hurt!
Melina Everhartz from JUUUPORT e.V., the online counseling service for cyberbullying and other online problems, explains the different forms of cyberbullying (0:53s excerpt from the video “Strategien und Tipps bei Cybermobbing”, 30.09.2024)Signs of media addiction: When parents should take a closer look
Christian Krieg, consultant for media addiction and gambling addiction prevention at LAKOST MV, knows the various signs of media addiction (1:02 min excerpt from the video "Die Welt in unserem Smartphone - Trends, Reize und Gefahren der digitalen Welt", 02.12.2023)Just play it yourself!
Mick Prinz from the Amadeu Antonio Foundation explaines how adults can be open to the topic of gaming in order to stay in touch with children and young people. (0:52s excerpt from the video "Unverpixelter Hass?", 30.09.2023)The faithful parent-child relationship as the key to digital media education
Police prevention consultant Andrea Semmler emphasizes the relevance of a positive error culture in digital media education (1:04 min excerpt from the video "Sicherheit im Medienalltag, 04.11.2023)What do the FSK and USK age ratings mean?
Clara von der Heydt from the project #Kinderrechte digital leben! explains what the age ratings USK & FSK say and where parents can get additional information. (1:04 min excerpt from the video "Rechte, Pflichten & Verantwortung im digitalen Raum", 04.04.2024)Children also have a right to their own image!
Sophie Pohle from Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk on the children's perspective on 'sharenting', the posting of children's pictures online (0:56 s excerpt from the video "Kinderbilder im Netz", 13.02.2024)The “bystander effect”: Danger recognized - danger averted!?
Melina Everhartz from JUUUPORT explains why we often find it so difficult to intervene and provide help when it comes to cyberbullying using the “bystander effect” (1:04min excerpt from the video “Strategien und Tipps bei Cybermobbing", September 30th, 2023)Teach your children to be suspicious of online acquaintances!
Police prevention advisor Andrea Semmler describes "cybergrooming" as a real danger for children and young people online and outlines how they can be protected from it. (1:01 min excerpt from the video "Sicherheit im Medienalltag, 04.11.2023)There's no need to reinvent the wheel!
Clara von der Heydt from #Kinderrechte digital leben! refers to many informative offers on media safety online and advises coordinating with befriended families for uniform media use by their children. (1:02 min excerpt from the video "Rechte, Pflichten & Verantwortung im digitalen Raum", 04.04.2024)Respect personal rights when taking photos and sharing!
Children's rights activist Sara Flieder and Wiro Nestler from LKA Hamburg explain how children can be taught to handle images online sensitively. (0:56s excerpt from the video "Kinderbilder im Netz", 13.02.2024)Whether anonymously or in person: talking about it helps!
Melina Everhartz from JUUUPORT explains what help options are available for those affected by cyberbullying. (0:57s excerpt from the video “Strategien und Tipps bei Cybermobbing”, September 30, 2023)Talk to your children about sexting with minors!
Police prevention advisor Andrea Semmler explains that sexting with minors falls under the criminal offense of child or youth pornography and can be prosecuted, depending on the age of the persons depicted (0:59s excerpt from the video "Sicherheit im Medienalltag, 04.11.2023).